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SmartPy is a comprehensive solution for developing, testing, and deploying smart contracts on Tezos. With its easy-to-use Python syntax, developers can create contracts in a familiar and intuitive way, while SmartPy's type inference provides added safety.

To learn SmartPy, see the tutorial Deploy a smart contract with SmartPy.

Before deployment, contracts can be tested in simulated scenarios, including complex cases with multiple interacting contracts. Once ready, SmartPy contracts are compiled to Michelson, the Tezos blockchain's native language, for deployment.

The SmartPy online IDE offers a user-friendly interface for trying out the system directly in a web browser. It comes with an origination feature for deployment of contracts to the blockchain at the click of a button. For those who prefer to write smart contracts and tests in their favourite editor, SmartPy also offers a command-line interface.

There is also the SmartPy explorer, which allows easy exploration and interaction with already deployed contracts. It presents contract data as SmartPy values, such as records and variants.

Coding in SmartPy

SmartPy is a Python library. SmartPy scripts are regular Python scripts that use SmartPy constructions. This mechanism is useful because it brings very powerful meta-programming capabilities.

Meta-programming is when we can write a program that writes a program, i.e., constructs a contract. Indeed, the functions of the SmartPy library are used to construct a smart contract.

For complete documentation on SmartPy, see

Smart contracts are executed once they are deployed in the Tezos blockchain (although they can be simulated).

Like most languages, SmartPy has expressions. For example:

  • represents the contract storage field x
  • 2 represents the number 2
  • + 2 represents their sum

Inside a contract, when we write

​y = + 2

we declare y as an alias the SmartPy expression + 2 .

Note that the actual addition is not carried out until the contract has been deployed and the entrypoint is called.

As you will see throughout this tutorial, SmartPy is a library that will be imported in the following way:

import smartpy as sp

And the functions of SmartPy will be called with the prefix sp. . For example:

sp.verify( > 2)

Here, sp.verify() checks that the field x is larger than 2 and raises an error if it is not. This is performed at run time, i.e., in the blockchain, once translated into Michelson.

About the raffle contract

A raffle is a game of chance that distributes a winning prize.

The organizer is in charge of defining a jackpot and selling tickets that will either be winners or losers. In the case of our example, we will only have one winning ticket.

Fig. 1 represents our smart contract.

Figure 1: Raffle contract
Figure 1: Raffle contract

Three entrypoints allow interaction with the contract:

  • open_raffle can only be called by the administrator. During this call, he sends the tez amount of the jackpot to the contract, defines a closing date, indicates the number/identity of the winning ticket (in an encrypted way), and declares the raffle open.
  • buy_ticket allows anyone to buy a ticket for 1 tez and take part in the raffle.
  • close_raffle can only be called by the administrator. It closes the raffle and sends the jackpot to the winner.

Note that this is a simplified conception of what a raffle is. Here the jackpot is fixed by the administrator, but it is possible to make a contract where the jackpot depends on the number of sold tickets.

Get started

This section illustrates the coding of the smart contract in the online editor proposed by SmartPy. You can however also use your favourite IDE instead, as described previously.

Create your contract

To start, create a new contract in the online editor and name it Raffle Contract.

Figure 2: Online Editor Create Contract
Figure 2: Online Editor Create Contract


Copy/paste the template below to get started:

# Raffle Contract - Example for illustrative purposes only.

import smartpy as sp

class Raffle(sp.Contract):
def __init__(self):

def open_raffle(self):

def test():
r = Raffle()
scenario = sp.test_scenario("Raffle")
scenario += r

A few concepts first

A SmartPy contract is a class definition that inherits from the sp.Contract.

  • A class is a code template for creating objects. Objects have member variables and have a behaviour associated with them. In Python a class is created by the keyword class.

  • Inheritance allows us to define a class that can inherit all the methods and properties of another class.

  • The SmartPy storage is defined into the constructor __init__ which makes a call to self.init() that initializes the fields and sets up the storage.

  • Entrypoints are a method of a contract class that can be called on from the outside. Entrypoints need to be marked with the @sp.entry_point decorator.

  • Decorators are functions that modify the functionality of other functions. They are introduced by @ and are placed before the function.

Test Scenarios are good tools to make sure our smart contracts are working correctly.

  • A new test is a method marked with the sp.add_test decorator.
  • A new scenario is instantiated by sp.test_scenario.
  • Scenarios describe a sequence of actions: originating contracts, computing expressions or calling entrypoints, etc.
  • In the online editor of, the scenario is computed and then displayed as an HTML document on the output panel.

Note that there is a difference between Test Case which is a set of actions executed to verify particular features or functionality and Test Scenario which includes an end to end functionality to be tested.

We will explain in more details the use of all these concepts in the next sections.

Our code doesn't do much for now, but it can already be compiled by pressing the run button. If there is no error, you should be able to visualize the generated Michelson code in the Deploy Michelson Contract tab.

parameter (unit %open_raffle);
storage unit;
CDR; # @storage
# == open_raffle == # @storage
NIL operation; # list operation : @storage
PAIR; # pair (list operation) @storage

open_raffle entrypoint

open_raffle is the entrypoint that only the administrator can call. If the invocation is successful, then the raffle will open, and the smart contract's storage will be updated with the chosen amount and the hash of the winning ticket number.


Here is the first version of this contract. We will go through its different parts one at a time.

# Raffle Contract - Example for illustrative purposes only.

import smartpy as sp

class Raffle(sp.Contract):
def __init__(self, address):

def open_raffle(self, jackpot_amount, close_date, hash_winning_ticket):
sp.verify_equal(sp.source,, message="Administrator not recognized.")
sp.verify(~, message="A raffle is already open.")
sp.verify(sp.amount >= jackpot_amount, message="The administrator does not own enough tz.")
today =
in_7_day = today.add_days(7)
sp.verify(close_date > in_7_day, message="The raffle must remain open for at least 7 days.") = close_date = jackpot_amount = hash_winning_ticket = True

def test():
alice = sp.test_account("Alice")
admin = sp.test_account("Administrator")
r = Raffle(admin.address)
scenario = sp.test_scenario("Raffle")
scenario += r

scenario.h2("Test open_raffle entrypoint")
close_date = sp.timestamp_from_utc_now().add_days(8)
jackpot_amount = sp.tez(10)
number_winning_ticket = sp.nat(345)
bytes_winning_ticket = sp.pack(number_winning_ticket)
hash_winning_ticket = sp.sha256(bytes_winning_ticket)

scenario.h3("The unauthorized user Alice unsuccessfully call open_raffle")
scenario += r.open_raffle(close_date=close_date, jackpot_amount=jackpot_amount,
hash_winning_ticket=hash_winning_ticket) \
.run(source=alice.address, amount=sp.tez(10), now=sp.timestamp_from_utc_now(),

scenario.h3("Admin unsuccessfully call open_raffle with wrong close_date")
close_date = sp.timestamp_from_utc_now().add_days(4)
scenario += r.open_raffle(close_date=close_date, jackpot_amount=jackpot_amount,
hash_winning_ticket=hash_winning_ticket) \
.run(source=admin.address, amount=sp.tez(10), now=sp.timestamp_from_utc_now(),

scenario.h3("Admin unsuccessfully call open_raffle by sending not enough tez to the contract")
close_date = sp.timestamp_from_utc_now().add_days(8)
scenario += r.open_raffle(close_date=close_date, jackpot_amount=jackpot_amount,
hash_winning_ticket=hash_winning_ticket) \
.run(source=admin.address, amount=sp.tez(5), now=sp.timestamp_from_utc_now(),

scenario.h3("Admin successfully call open_raffle")
scenario += r.open_raffle(close_date=close_date, jackpot_amount=jackpot_amount,
hash_winning_ticket=hash_winning_ticket) \
.run(source=admin.address, amount=sp.tez(10), now=sp.timestamp_from_utc_now())
scenario.verify( == close_date)
scenario.verify( == jackpot_amount)

scenario.h3("Admin unsuccessfully call open_raffle because a raffle is already open")
scenario += r.open_raffle(close_date=close_date, jackpot_amount=jackpot_amount,
hash_winning_ticket=hash_winning_ticket) \
.run(source=admin.address, amount=sp.tez(10), now=sp.timestamp_from_utc_now(),

Storage definition

def __init__(self, address):

The definition of the storage is done in the constructor __init__ and the different fields of the storage are stated as follows: self.init(field1=value1, field2=value2, field3=value3)


  • field1, field2, field3 are the names of the variables and are accessible via (e.g.
  • value1, value2, value3 are initial values or variables passed as constructors like __init__(self, value1) as we did above for the admin=address field.

SmartPy types are all of the form sp.T<TypeName>. Check out Integers and mutez. For examples:


Types are usually automatically inferred and not explicitly needed. However, it is still possible to add constraints on types, e.g. check out Setting a type of constraint in SmartPy.

They are then compiled into their corresponding Michelson type.

For the storage of the raffle contract, we have defined five fields for the moment:

  • admin is the only authorized address to call the two entrypoints open_raffle and close_raffle.

  • close_date is a timestamp to indicate the closing date of the raffle. The raffle must remain open for at least seven days.

  • jackpot is the amount in tez that will be distributed to the winner.

  • raffle_is_open is a boolean to indicate if the raffle is open or not.

  • hash_winning_ticket is the hash of the winning ticket indicated by the admin. It is of type bytes.

    It's not possible to generate a truly random number from a smart contract, so an easy alternative is to use a hash that the admin will reveal the value later.

    This example is for educational purposes and is not intended to be deployed on the real Tezos network.

Entrypoint implementation

def open_raffle(self, jackpot_amount, close_date, hash_winning_ticket):
sp.verify_equal(sp.source,, message="Administrator not recognized.")
sp.verify(~, message="A raffle is already open.")
sp.verify(sp.amount >= jackpot_amount, message="The administrator does not own enough tz.")
today =
in_7_day = today.add_days(7)
sp.verify(close_date > in_7_day, message="The raffle must remain open for at least 7 days.") = close_date = jackpot_amount = hash_winning_ticket = True

An entrypoint is a method of the contract class and is always preceded by the keyword @sp.entry_point. It can take several parameters. In our case, the first entrypoint we use, is called open_raffle and does the following:

  • With sp.verify() or sp.verify_equal(), we check that a statement is true or if it returns an error message (more info at Checking a Condition). Here we check four statements :

    1. The address that calls the entrypoint must be the administrator indicated in the storage. We compare here sp.source and

      sp.sender is the address that calls the current entrypoint. sp.source is the address that initiates the current transaction. It may or may not be equal to sp.sender, but in our case, it is.

    2. No raffle must be open. For this, we use the boolean raffle_is_open defined in the storage.

      Note that ~ is the symbol used for logical negation.

    3. The amount sp.amount sent to the contract by the administrator during the transaction must be at least greater than the value specified in the jackpot_amount argument.

    4. The closing date close_date passed as a parameter must be at least seven days in the future (more info on timestamps).

  • Once all the conditions are passed we update the storage as follows: = close_date = jackpot_amount = hash_winning_ticket = True

Test Scenario

In a scenario, we simulate the origination and a number of calls to entrypoint, that can be made from different accounts. The execution of the test generates HTML code that can help visualize it.

The purpose of the test scenario is to ensure that the smart contract functions properly by triggering the conditions and checking the changes made to the storage.

On SmartPy, a test is a method of the contract class, preceded by @sp.add_test.

Inside this method, you need to instantiate your contract class and your scenarios, to which you will add the contract instance and all the related calls that you want to test. For instance:

def test():
alice = sp.test_account("Alice")
admin = sp.test_account("Administrator")
r = Raffle(admin.address)
scenario = sp.test_scenario("Raffle")
scenario += r

Note that you can also organize your scenarios by adding titles with scenario.h1("My title"), scenario.h2("My subtitle"), etc.

An interesting capacity is to define test accounts for our scenarios:

alice = sp.test_account("Alice")
admin = sp.test_account("Administrator")

Test accounts can be defined through calling sp.test_account(seed), where seed is a string. A test account contains a few fields: account.address, account.public_key_hash, account.public_key, and account.secret_key.

You can then simulate the calls to the entrypoints by specifying the different arguments as follows:

scenario.h3("The unauthorized user Alice unsuccessfully call open_raffle")
scenario += r.open_raffle(close_date=close_date, jackpot_amount=jackpot_amount,
hash_winning_ticket=hash_winning_ticket) \
.run(source=alice.address, amount=sp.tez(10), now=sp.timestamp_from_utc_now(),

The run method accepts optional parameters that can help to setup a relevant context for the entrypoint call. You can specify the source of the transaction, the amount of tez sent, the transaction date using now etc.

Note that the option valid=False allows you to indicate that the transaction is expected to fail here because Alice is not the administrator.

The result is displayed in an HTML document in the output panel of the online editor.

Run and watch the output

Let's run our code:

Figure 3: Online Editor Contract Summary
Figure 3: Online Editor Contract Summary

You can see a summary of our smart contract with the following information:

  • Address of the contract
  • Balance in tez
  • Storage
  • Entrypoints

By clicking on the Types tab, we have access to the types of the storage elements and the parameters of the entrypoints.

Figure 4: Online Editor Types
Figure 4: Online Editor Types

As with Python, most of the time, it is not necessary to specify the type of an object in SmartPy. But it may be required because the target language of SmartPy, Michelson, requires types. Each SmartPy expression, however, needs a type. This is why SmartPy uses type inference to determine the type of each expression. See doc Typing.

By clicking on the Deploy Michelson Contract tab, we have access to the codes compiled in Michelson for the storage (Storage tab) and the smart contract (Code tab).

The Michelson code of our smart contract is for now, the following:

parameter (pair %open_raffle (timestamp %close_date) (pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (mutez %jackpot_amount)));
storage (pair (pair (address %admin) (timestamp %close_date)) (pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open))));
UNPAIR; # @parameter : @storage
SWAP; # @storage : @parameter
# == open_raffle ==
# sp.verify(sp.pack(sp.set_type_expr(sp.source, sp.TAddress)) == sp.pack(sp.set_type_expr(, sp.TAddress)), message = 'Administrator not recognized.') # @storage : @parameter
DUP; # @storage : @storage : @parameter
DUG 2; # @storage : @parameter : @storage
CAR; # pair (address %admin) (timestamp %close_date) : @parameter : @storage
CAR; # address : @parameter : @storage
PACK; # bytes : @parameter : @storage
SOURCE; # @source : bytes : @parameter : @storage
PACK; # bytes : bytes : @parameter : @storage
COMPARE; # int : @parameter : @storage
EQ; # bool : @parameter : @storage
PUSH string "Administrator not recognized."; # string : @parameter : @storage
}; # @parameter : @storage
SWAP; # @storage : @parameter
# sp.verify(~, message = 'A raffle is already open.') # @storage : @parameter
DUP; # @storage : @storage : @parameter
DUG 2; # @storage : @parameter : @storage
GET 6; # bool : @parameter : @storage
PUSH string "A raffle is already open."; # string : @parameter : @storage
{}; # @parameter : @storage
# sp.verify(sp.amount >= params.jackpot_amount, message = 'The administrator does not own enough tz.') # @parameter : @storage
DUP; # @parameter : @parameter : @storage
GET 4; # mutez : @parameter : @storage
AMOUNT; # @amount : mutez : @parameter : @storage
COMPARE; # int : @parameter : @storage
GE; # bool : @parameter : @storage
PUSH string "The administrator does not own enough tz."; # string : @parameter : @storage
}; # @parameter : @storage
# sp.verify(params.close_date > sp.add_seconds(, 604800), message = 'The raffle must remain open for at least 7 days.') # @parameter : @storage
NOW; # @now : @parameter : @storage
PUSH int 604800; # int : @now : @parameter : @storage
ADD; # timestamp : @parameter : @storage
SWAP; # @parameter : timestamp : @storage
DUP; # @parameter : @parameter : timestamp : @storage
DUG 2; # @parameter : timestamp : @parameter : @storage
CAR; # timestamp : timestamp : @parameter : @storage
COMPARE; # int : @parameter : @storage
GT; # bool : @parameter : @storage
PUSH string "The raffle must remain open for at least 7 days."; # string : @parameter : @storage
}; # @parameter : @storage
SWAP; # @storage : @parameter
# = params.close_date # @storage : @parameter
UNPAIR; # pair (address %admin) (timestamp %close_date) : pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open)) : @parameter
CAR; # address : pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open)) : @parameter
DUP 3; # @parameter : address : pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open)) : @parameter
CAR; # timestamp : address : pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open)) : @parameter
SWAP; # address : timestamp : pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open)) : @parameter
PAIR; # pair address timestamp : pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open)) : @parameter
PAIR; # pair (pair address timestamp) (pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open))) : @parameter
SWAP; # @parameter : pair (pair address timestamp) (pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open)))
# = params.jackpot_amount # @parameter : pair (pair address timestamp) (pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open)))
DUP; # @parameter : @parameter : pair (pair address timestamp) (pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open)))
DUG 2; # @parameter : pair (pair address timestamp) (pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open))) : @parameter
GET 4; # mutez : pair (pair address timestamp) (pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open))) : @parameter
UPDATE 5; # pair (pair address timestamp) (pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open))) : @parameter
SWAP; # @parameter : pair (pair address timestamp) (pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open)))
# = params.hash_winning_ticket # @parameter : pair (pair address timestamp) (pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open)))
GET 3; # bytes : pair (pair address timestamp) (pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open)))
UPDATE 3; # pair (pair address timestamp) (pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open)))
# = True # pair (pair address timestamp) (pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open)))
PUSH bool True; # bool : pair (pair address timestamp) (pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open)))
UPDATE 6; # pair (pair address timestamp) (pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open)))
NIL operation; # list operation : pair (pair address timestamp) (pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open)))
PAIR; # pair (list operation) (pair (pair address timestamp) (pair (bytes %hash_winning_ticket) (pair (mutez %jackpot) (bool %raffle_is_open))))

By scrolling down a little, we have access to the results of the test scenario, and within each step a summary of the contract.

Figure 5: Online Editor Scenario Output
Figure 5: Online Editor Scenario Output

buy_ticket entrypoint

buy_ticket is an entrypoint that can be called on by everyone who wants to participate in the raffle. If the invocation is successful, the address of the sender will be added to the storage, and the player will be eligible to win the jackpot


Here is the second version of this contract with the addition of a new entrypoint. We will go through the additonal parts one at a time.

# Raffle Contract - Example for illustrative purposes only.

import smartpy as sp

class Raffle(sp.Contract):
def __init__(self, address):

def open_raffle(self, jackpot_amount, close_date, hash_winning_ticket):
sp.verify_equal(sp.source,, message="Administrator not recognized.")
sp.verify(~, message="A raffle is already open.")
sp.verify(sp.amount >= jackpot_amount, message="The administrator does not own enough tz.")
today =
in_7_day = today.add_days(7)
sp.verify(close_date > in_7_day, message="The raffle must remain open for at least 7 days.") = close_date = jackpot_amount = hash_winning_ticket = True

def buy_ticket(self):
ticket_price = sp.tez(1)
current_player = sp.sender
sp.verify(, message="The raffle is closed.")
sp.verify(sp.amount == ticket_price,
message="The sender did not send the right tez amount (Ticket price = 1tz).")
sp.verify(~, message="Each player can participate only once.")
ticket_id = abs(sp.len( - 1)[ticket_id] = current_player

def test():
alice = sp.test_account("Alice")
jack = sp.test_account("Jack")
admin = sp.test_account("Administrator")

r = Raffle(admin.address)
scenario = sp.test_scenario("Raffle")
scenario += r

scenario.h2("Test open_raffle entrypoint")
close_date = sp.timestamp_from_utc_now().add_days(8)
jackpot_amount = sp.tez(10)
number_winning_ticket = sp.nat(345)
bytes_winning_ticket = sp.pack(number_winning_ticket)
hash_winning_ticket = sp.sha256(bytes_winning_ticket)

scenario.h3("The unauthorized user Alice unsuccessfully call open_raffle")
scenario += r.open_raffle(close_date=close_date, jackpot_amount=jackpot_amount,
hash_winning_ticket=hash_winning_ticket) \
.run(source=alice.address, amount=sp.tez(10), now=sp.timestamp_from_utc_now(),

scenario.h3("Admin unsuccessfully call open_raffle with wrong close_date")
close_date = sp.timestamp_from_utc_now().add_days(4)
scenario += r.open_raffle(close_date=close_date, jackpot_amount=jackpot_amount,
hash_winning_ticket=hash_winning_ticket) \
.run(source=admin.address, amount=sp.tez(10), now=sp.timestamp_from_utc_now(),

scenario.h3("Admin unsuccessfully call open_raffle by sending not enough tez to the contract")
close_date = sp.timestamp_from_utc_now().add_days(8)
scenario += r.open_raffle(close_date=close_date, jackpot_amount=jackpot_amount,
hash_winning_ticket=hash_winning_ticket) \
.run(source=admin.address, amount=sp.tez(5), now=sp.timestamp_from_utc_now(),

scenario.h3("Admin successfully call open_raffle")
scenario += r.open_raffle(close_date=close_date, jackpot_amount=jackpot_amount,
hash_winning_ticket=hash_winning_ticket) \
.run(source=admin.address, amount=sp.tez(10), now=sp.timestamp_from_utc_now())
scenario.verify( == close_date)
scenario.verify( == jackpot_amount)

scenario.h3("Admin unsuccessfully call open_raffle because a raffle is already open")
scenario += r.open_raffle(close_date=close_date, jackpot_amount=jackpot_amount,
hash_winning_ticket=hash_winning_ticket) \
.run(source=admin.address, amount=sp.tez(10), now=sp.timestamp_from_utc_now(),

scenario.h2("Test buy_ticket entrypoint (at this point a raffle is open)")

scenario.h3("Alice unsuccessfully call buy_ticket by sending a wrong amount of tez")
scenario += r.buy_ticket().run(sender=alice.address, amount=sp.tez(3), valid=False)

scenario.h3("Alice successfully call buy_ticket")
scenario += r.buy_ticket().run(sender=alice.address, amount=sp.tez(1))
alice_ticket_id = sp.nat(0)
scenario.verify_equal([alice_ticket_id], alice.address)

scenario.h3("Alice unsuccessfully call buy_ticket because she has already buy one")
scenario += r.buy_ticket().run(sender=alice.address, amount=sp.tez(1), valid=False)

scenario.h3("Jack successfully call buy_ticket")
scenario += r.buy_ticket().run(sender=jack.address, amount=sp.tez(1))
jack_ticket_id = sp.nat(1)
scenario.verify_equal([alice_ticket_id], alice.address)
scenario.verify_equal([jack_ticket_id], jack.address)

Storage definition

def __init__(self, address):

With the addition of this entrypoint we have defined two new fields in the storage:

  • players, is a Set that receives the addresses of each new player who bought a raffle ticket.
  • sold_tickets, is a Map that associates each player's address with a ticket number.
  • Sets are unordered collections of values of the same type, unlike lists, which are ordered collections.
  • Sets in SmartPy are of type sp.TSet(element). It will be then compiled into the corresponding type in Michelson which is set.
  • For SmartPy expressions, we must use sp.set([e1, e2, …​, en]) to define a set.
  • Map is a data structure which associates a value to a key, thus creating a key-value binding. All keys have the same type and all values have the same type. An additional requirement is that the type of the keys must be comparable.
  • Maps in SmartPy are of type sp.TMap(key, value). It will be then compiled into the corresponding type in Michelson which is set.
  • For SmartPy expressions, we can define a map as follows: my_map = = …​, tkey = …​, tvalue = …​).
  • To add or replace an element in a map, we use: my_map[key] = value

Maps load their entries into the environment, which is fine for small maps, but for maps holding millions of entries, the cost of loading them would be too expensive. For this we use BigMaps. Their syntax is the same as for regular maps.

Note that a Set and a Map are used here to store the players. But in case there would be a very large number of players this can block the contract. The solution would be to use only a BigMap. Indeed, a BigMap is a better solution to store large amounts of data while reducing the gas cost involved during the execution of the contract.

Entrypoint implementation

def buy_ticket(self):
ticket_price = sp.tez(1)
current_player = sp.sender
sp.verify(, message="The raffle is closed.")
sp.verify(sp.amount == ticket_price,
message="The sender did not send the right tez amount (Ticket price = 1tz).")
sp.verify(~, message="Each player can participate only once.")
ticket_id = abs(sp.len( - 1)[ticket_id] = current_player

Three assertions are tested for this entrypoint to work:

  1. The raffle must be open.
  2. The amount of tez sent to the contract during the transaction must be equal to the ticket price (1tez).
  3. Each player is allowed to buy only one ticket.

If the conditions are met, then the storage is updated:

  • The address of the player is added to the set
  • The ticket identification (id) is associated with the player's address in the map

    In ticket_id = abs(sp.len( - 1), the ticket id is incremented for each new participant. The abs() function, which designates the absolute value, is used to ensure that the ticket_id is of type sp.TNat.

close_raffle entrypoint

Only the administrator can call on the entrypoint close_raffle. If the invocation is successful, the raffle is closed, the jackpot amount is sent to the winner, and the storage is reset to a default value.

Full code

Here is the code in its final form with the implementation of the last entrypoint.

# Raffle Contract - Example for illustrative purposes only.

import smartpy as sp

class Raffle(sp.Contract):
def __init__(self, address):

def open_raffle(self, jackpot_amount, close_date, hash_winning_ticket):
sp.verify_equal(sp.source,, message="Administrator not recognized.")
sp.verify(~, message="A raffle is already open.")
sp.verify(sp.amount >= jackpot_amount, message="The administrator does not own enough tz.")
today =
in_7_day = today.add_days(7)
sp.verify(close_date > in_7_day, message="The raffle must remain open for at least 7 days.") = close_date = jackpot_amount = hash_winning_ticket = True

def buy_ticket(self):
ticket_price = sp.tez(1)
current_player = sp.sender
sp.verify(, message="The raffle is closed.")
sp.verify(sp.amount == ticket_price,
message="The sender did not send the right tez amount (Ticket price = 1tz).")
sp.verify(~, message="Each player can participate only once.")
ticket_id = abs(sp.len( - 1)[ticket_id] = current_player

def close_raffle(self, selected_ticket):
sp.verify_equal(sp.source,, message="Administrator not recognized.")
sp.verify(, message="The raffle is closed.")
sp.verify( >=,
message="The raffle must remain open for at least 7 days.")
bytes_selected_ticket = sp.pack(selected_ticket)
hash_selected_ticket = sp.sha256(bytes_selected_ticket)
message="The hash does not match the hash of the winning ticket")
number_of_players = sp.len(
selected_ticket_id = selected_ticket % number_of_players
winner =[selected_ticket_id]
sp.send(winner,, message="winner contract not found.") = sp.tez(0) = sp.timestamp(0) = sp.set() = = False

def test():
alice = sp.test_account("Alice")
jack = sp.test_account("Jack")
admin = sp.test_account("Administrator")
r = Raffle(admin.address)
scenario = sp.test_scenario("Raffle")
scenario += r

scenario.h2("Test open_raffle entrypoint")
close_date = sp.timestamp_from_utc_now().add_days(8)
jackpot_amount = sp.tez(10)
number_winning_ticket = sp.nat(345)
bytes_winning_ticket = sp.pack(number_winning_ticket)
hash_winning_ticket = sp.sha256(bytes_winning_ticket)

scenario.h3("The unauthorized user Alice unsuccessfully call open_raffle")
scenario += r.open_raffle(close_date=close_date, jackpot_amount=jackpot_amount,
hash_winning_ticket=hash_winning_ticket) \
.run(source=alice.address, amount=sp.tez(10), now=sp.timestamp_from_utc_now(),

scenario.h3("Admin unsuccessfully call open_raffle with wrong close_date")
close_date = sp.timestamp_from_utc_now().add_days(4)
scenario += r.open_raffle(close_date=close_date, jackpot_amount=jackpot_amount,
hash_winning_ticket=hash_winning_ticket) \
.run(source=admin.address, amount=sp.tez(10), now=sp.timestamp_from_utc_now(),

scenario.h3("Admin unsuccessfully call open_raffle by sending not enough tez to the contract")
close_date = sp.timestamp_from_utc_now().add_days(8)
scenario += r.open_raffle(close_date=close_date, jackpot_amount=jackpot_amount,
hash_winning_ticket=hash_winning_ticket) \
.run(source=admin.address, amount=sp.tez(5), now=sp.timestamp_from_utc_now(),

scenario.h3("Admin successfully call open_raffle")
scenario += r.open_raffle(close_date=close_date, jackpot_amount=jackpot_amount,
hash_winning_ticket=hash_winning_ticket) \
.run(source=admin.address, amount=sp.tez(10), now=sp.timestamp_from_utc_now())
scenario.verify( == close_date)
scenario.verify( == jackpot_amount)

scenario.h3("Admin unsuccessfully call open_raffle because a raffle is already open")
scenario += r.open_raffle(close_date=close_date, jackpot_amount=jackpot_amount,
hash_winning_ticket=hash_winning_ticket) \
.run(source=admin.address, amount=sp.tez(10), now=sp.timestamp_from_utc_now(),

scenario.h2("Test buy_ticket entrypoint (at this point a raffle is open)")

scenario.h3("Alice unsuccessfully call buy_ticket by sending a wrong amount of tez")
scenario += r.buy_ticket().run(sender=alice.address, amount=sp.tez(3), valid=False)

scenario.h3("Alice successfully call buy_ticket")
scenario += r.buy_ticket().run(sender=alice.address, amount=sp.tez(1))
alice_ticket_id = sp.nat(0)
scenario.verify_equal([alice_ticket_id], alice.address)

scenario.h3("Alice unsuccessfully call buy_ticket because she has already buy one")
scenario += r.buy_ticket().run(sender=alice.address, amount=sp.tez(1), valid=False)

scenario.h3("Jack successfully call buy_ticket")
scenario += r.buy_ticket().run(sender=jack.address, amount=sp.tez(1))
jack_ticket_id = sp.nat(1)
scenario.verify_equal([alice_ticket_id], alice.address)
scenario.verify_equal([jack_ticket_id], jack.address)

scenario.h2("Test close_raffle entrypoint (at this point a raffle is open and two players participated)")
selected_ticket = sp.nat(345)

scenario.h3("The unauthorized user Alice unsuccessfully call close_raffle")
scenario += r.close_raffle(selected_ticket).run(sender=alice.address, valid=False)

scenario.h3("Admin unsuccessfully call close_raffle because it was before the close_date")
scenario += r.close_raffle(selected_ticket)\
.run(sender=admin.address, now=sp.timestamp_from_utc_now(), valid=False)

scenario.h3("Admin unsuccessfully call close_raffle because the hash of the selected ticket does not match with the winning one")
selected_ticket = sp.nat(1234)
scenario += r.close_raffle(selected_ticket)\
.run(sender=admin.address,, valid=False)

scenario.h3("Admin successfully call close_raffle")
selected_ticket = sp.nat(345)
scenario += r.close_raffle(selected_ticket).run(sender=admin.address,
scenario.verify_equal(, sp.tez(0))
scenario.verify_equal(, sp.timestamp(0))
scenario.verify_equal(, sp.set())

scenario.h3("Alice unsuccessfully call buy_ticket because the raffle is closed")
scenario += r.buy_ticket().run(sender=alice.address, amount=sp.tez(1), valid=False)

Entrypoint implementation

The storage definition has not been modified by the addition of this entrypoint, so we can directly explain its implementation.

def close_raffle(self, selected_ticket):
sp.verify_equal(sp.source,, message="Administrator not recognized.")
sp.verify(, message="The raffle is closed.")
sp.verify( >=,
message="The raffle must remain open for at least 7 days.")
bytes_selected_ticket = sp.pack(selected_ticket)
hash_selected_ticket = sp.sha256(bytes_selected_ticket)
message="The hash does not match the hash of the winning ticket")
number_of_players = sp.len(
selected_ticket_id = selected_ticket % number_of_players
winner =[selected_ticket_id]
sp.send(winner,, message="winner contract not found.") = sp.tez(0) = sp.timestamp(0) = sp.set() = = False

Four assertions are checked in this entrypoint:

  1. The caller must be the admin of the contract.
  2. The raffle must be open.
  3. The closing date must be greater than or equal to the closing date indicated in the storage.
  4. The hash of the ticket used as a parameter, must be equal to the hash of the ticket indicated in the storage.

    The administrator provides as parameter a sp.nat() which must correspond to the number of the winning ticket, afterwards this natural integer is converted into byte and hashed using the sha256 algorithm.

If the conditions are met, then:

  • The jackpot is sent to the winner's address.
  • The storage is reset to the default values.

Here are some precisions about the sp.TBytes type and its functionality which are used here in the close_raffle entrypoint.

  • Bytes are sequences of byte, such as 0x12e4 in hexadecimal notation.
  • Bytes in SmartPy are of type sp.TBytes. It will be then compiled into the corresponding type in Michelson which is bytes.
  • For SmartPy expressions, we must use sp.bytes('Ox...') to define bytes.
  • We use sp.pack(x) to serialize a piece of data x to its optimized binary representation. It then returns an object of type sp.TBytes.
  • The function sp.sha256(value) take a sp.TBytes value and return the corresponding hash as a new sp.TBytes value.

Run and watch the output

We are getting to the end of our smart contract. Run it one last time and explore the result. Don't hesitate to read the test scenario, to make sure your smart contract is working correctly. You can, of course, modify the scenarios or create new ones.

Check out the final Michelson code generated by SmartPy for this smart contract. Note that you can use this Michelson code to create additional tests with PyTezos as described in Unit Testing on OpenTezos.


SmartPy is meant for smart contract development and it always yields Michelson code. The method for developing such smart contracts is pretty much always the same.

  1. the smart contract is a class definition that inherits from sp.Contract.
  2. the storage is defined in the constructor of this class.
  3. the entrypoints are defined as a method of the contract class and are marked with the @sp.entry_point decorator.

There is no need for a main function like LIGO which dispatches the actions of the smart contract. The code can be compiled directly.

SmartPy was designed to help developers build smart contracts by providing them with a syntax familiar to them and a powerful analysis tool.

Further reading